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                                The name of this organization shall be the Junior Welfare League of Sumter, S.C., Incorporated, hereinafter called “The League”.



                                The purpose of The League shall be to foster interest among its members in the social, economic, educational, cultural and civic conditions of the community, to make efficient their volunteer service, and to develop their potential as continuing community leaders.





                A. Provisional

                                A Provisional member is one in the process of completing the requirements for Active status which include a training course approved by the Board of Directors. The requirements of Provisional membership must be completed within two (2) years of election to a Provisional member unless an extension is granted by the Board of Directors. A Provisional  member may not vote or hold office. Upon completion of the Provisional requirements, the Provisional member may accept Active status in The League or, she may resign if she feels unable to meet the requirements of League membership. Acceptance or resignation must be tendered by February 1 of the year in which she will complete the requirements of Provisional membership.


                                (1) Provisional - The requirements of Provisional membership include attendance at all Provisional meetings, regular League meetings, and special League meetings, and completion of Wishing Well shifts assigned while a Provisional member.


B. Active

                                An Active member is one who has successfully completed the Provisional requirements of The League and is in the process of completing the nine (9) years of active community service required to be a League member in good standing. There are (3) classifications of Active membership:


                                (1) Regular Active - A member who fulfills all duties and obligations of membership including attendance at all regular and special League meetings. Regular Active members may vote, hold elected or appointed office, and exercise all privileges of League membership.


                                (2) Special Status Active – a member who is able to fulfill all duties and obligations of membership but cannot, due to work commitments, family obligations, or other extenuating circumstances, attend all League meetings. A Special Status Active member may not hold an elected or appointed office but may vote and exercise all other privileges of Active status. A member granted Special Status shall attend a minimum of three (3) regular meetings each year which must include the February election meeting and the April placement sign-up meeting (See Article VIII, Section III). Special Status must be approved by the Board of Directors on an annual basis. Status is granted at the discretion of the Board.


                                Special Status is requested by notifying the Secretary in writing as soon as the special circumstances arise. The Secretary will present the  request to the Board and notify the member as to whether Special Status has been approved or denied. When work commitments, family obligations, or other extenuating circumstances that required special status are resolved, the member shall immediately notify the Secretary in writing and return to Regular Status within one month.


                                (3) Semi-Active Status - a member who is excused from participating in all League duties and obligations for a prescribed period of time. A Semi-Active member may not propose candidates for membership or hold elected or appointed office. Such member may vote and exercise all other privileges of Active status. Semi-Active Status must be approved by the Board of Directors on an annual basis. Status is granted at the discretion of the Board. A member may request Semi-Active status by notifying the Secretary in writing. The Secretary will present the request to the Board and notify the member as to whether Semi-Active Status has been approved or denied. Whether the year of Semi-Active status will not be included in the nine (9) years of Active service shall be at the discretion of the Board. When circumstances that required Semi-Active status are resolved, the member shall immediately notify the Secretary in writing and return to Regular status within one month. Semi-Active status should be requested by February 1 of the current League year (the year preceding the member’s year of Semi-Active service) so that the member’s name may be timely removed from the gift shop and placement/committee schedules.


                                                 If a member must request Semi-Active status after the February 1 deadline, the Board must balance The League’s purpose and duty to fulfill our community service commitment with the extenuating circumstances that prompted the member to make the request. Where appropriate, the member will be urged to seek Special Status instead. In order for the Board to consider requests made after February 1, the member must confirm that any currently assigned placement/committee duties have been or will be performed. She must also confirm that gift shop shifts assigned on the current gift shop schedule have been or will be performed and that the member will not exceed the annual allowed number of paid worker shifts to meet the obligation. No member may be removed from the gift shop schedule or placement/committee duty until the Board has approved the member’s request for Semi-Active status.


                C. Semi-Active Sustaining

                                                A Semi-Active Sustaining member is one who, having served nine or more years of Regular Active or Special Status Active, chooses to change their membership classification to Semi-Active Sustaining. They shall fulfill half the duties and obligations of Regular Active membership by volunteering 13.5 hours in a placement and by working half the number of Wishing Well shifts as a Regular Active member. They may not vote and may not hold elected or appointed offices. It will not be mandatory that Semi-Active Sustaining Member attend the general meetings except for the April placement sign up meeting. Such member may attend the other meetings if she chooses. Dues will be the same as dues for a Sustaining member.


                                                An active member who is eligible for Semi-Active Sustaining status shall be Semi-Active Sustaining at the end of The League’s fiscal year. She must submit a written request for the Semi-Active Sustaining classification to the Secretary by February 1. If a Semi-Active Sustaining member wants to change her membership status to Sustaining, she must submit a written request for change to the Secretary by February 1 and she shall become a Sustaining member at the end of The League’s fiscal year.

                D. Sustaining

                                A Sustaining member is one who having served nine or more years as a Regular Active or Special Status Active, chooses to change her membership classification to Sustaining. Such member shall have the privileges of an Active membership except that she can neither vote nor hold an office. Upon completion of nine or more years as a Regular Active or Special Status Active member, such member may have the privilege of electing to become Sustaining member or remaining Active until age 56 at which time, Active membership is terminated. In rare cases where the nine-year requirement for Sustaining membership creates insurmountable problems for a member, the Board of Directors by a 2/3 majority vote may grant variance from the requirements.


                                An active member who is eligible for Sustaining status must submit a written request for change in status to the Secretary by February 1st. The requested change in status shall become effective at the end of The League’s fiscal year.


                E. Non-Resident

                                A Non-resident member is one who as an Active or Sustaining member, in good standing, resides outside of Sumter County. Such member shall neither vote nor hold office.


                                Application for Non-resident membership shall be made in writing to the Secretary.


                                A Non-resident member shall notify the secretary within ninety (90) days upon moving back to Sumter County to live.


                Section 2. ADMISSION TO MEMBERSHIP


                A. Eligibility

                                A candidate for membership shall be between 25 and 46 Years of age (inclusive of ages 25 and 45) on June 1 before her October proposal and shall have resided in Sumter County for at least two (2) non-consecutive years prior to or by July 1, the date of her acceptance to become a provisional member. In cases where the residency requirement prevents the fulfillment of the age requirement by former Sumter County residents, the Admissions Committee, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote, may grant variances. No person may be re-nominated for membership who has been dropped for non-payment of dues or fines, or for failure to perform League duties. No candidate rejected three (3) times is eligible for membership.


                B. Proposal

                                Candidates may be proposed for membership by obtaining admission rules and nominating forms from the Admissions Committee no later than November 1 of the year of proposal. Completed information must be returned no later than December 1. Candidates may be proposed by Sustaining members and members who have been Regular Active or Special Status Active members for one (1) year prior to November 15 of the year of proposal. Qualified members may sponsor and/or endorse an unlimited number of candidates for membership per year. Each candidate shall be proposed by (one of the following):


                                1. Two Regular Active members, one as the sponsor and one as the endorser

                                2. One Regular Active or Special Status Active member and one Sustaining member.      

                                3. Two Sustaining members and one regular Active or Special status Active member.


C. Election

                                Candidates shall be elected to Provisional membership by a favorable vote of eight of the Admissions Committee. The President shall extend invitations to the newly-elected members.

                Section 3. DUTIES

                                Each Regular Active and Special Active shall attend her respective meetings, be a contributing member of a standing committee or participate responsibly in a project or service placement, and fulfill her commitments to the Gift Shop as specified by the Gift Shop Committee. Exceptions to the above shall be by recommendation of the President with approval of the Board of Directors. Each member shall be responsible for information published in THE LANTERN and for notices sent out by email. The Board of Directors shall determine action to be taken for failure to perform these duties as specified.


                Section 4. RESIGNATIONS

                                Any member of The League who has fulfilled her League duties and is not in arrears in dues or fines may resign in good standing with the approval of the Board of Directors. Resignation shall be made by April 30th; otherwise, a member shall be liable for dues for the current year, and any currently assigned duties on her placement/committee assignment and shifts according to the Gift Shop schedule. In order to resign in good standing, the member must not exceed the annual allowed number of paid worker shifts. No member may be removed from the gift shop schedule or placement/committee duties until the Board has approved the member’s request.


                Section 5. REMOVAL

                                All members of The League shall be of good moral character. A member who fails to comply with the By-Laws, the Gift Shop Regulations, Placement or Committee guidelines, or whose character is jeopardized by conviction of any criminal activity, will be given fifteen (15) days notice by certified mail stating the cause of such action, and may be removed from membership by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors. Except in cases of non-payment of dues, fines or assessments, an opportunity for a hearing before the Board of Directors shall be given.


                Section 6. REINSTATEMENT

                                Any member who has resigned in good standing may be reinstated by unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. She must apply for reinstatement in writing to the Secretary, giving her reasons for having resigned, as well as her reasons for seeking reinstatement. Such a member upon reinstatement must pay a fee equivalent to sustainer dues times number of years since resignation. A member removed from membership by the Board of Directors shall never again be eligible for membership in The League.


                                A Provisional member may be reinstated only within the age limit for Admissions.


                                A member who resigns not in good standing with the Board of Directors shall have one (1) opportunity to apply for reinstatement in writing to the Secretary, giving her reasons for having resigned, as well as her reasons for seeking reinstatement. A request for a hearing before the board may be made by her or the Board of Directors. She may be reinstated by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. Such a member upon reinstatement must pay a fee equivalent to sustainer dues times the number of years since resignation.


                Section 7. TRANSFERS

                                Letters of recommendation from an Association of Junior Leagues, Incorporated or from a reciprocal service league shall accompany all requests for transfers. The candidate shall request that the Secretary of The League write to the Board of Directors of the respective league for a letter of recommendation.


                                Members in good standing of the Association of Junior Leagues, Inc. or a reciprocal service league may be elected at any time to membership in The League by a majority vote of the Board of Directors of The League.


                                All transfers seeking Active membership shall be required to take the Provisional course and shall be classified as a Provisional member until completion of the course. However, the transferee’s provisional year shall count as a year of active service.


                Section 8. CHANGE OF ADDRESS

                                Any change of address, local or otherwise, must be immediately reported to the Secretary.




Section 1.  ANNUAL DUES


                A. Amount

                                                The amount of annual dues shall be set by the Board of Directors upon                                 recommendation of the Finance Committee.


                                                When a current Sustaining member reaches the age of 65, she will have the privilege of remaining a sustaining member without the payment of dues. She shall notify the Treasurer of this change when she receives her statement in March.


                B. Payment

                                                Dues shall be payable no later than April 1. The Assistant Treasurer shall notify the membership in THE LANTERN. Members in all classifications whose dues are not paid by April 2nd will be notified by the Assistant Treasurer. Members whose dues are not paid by April 30th shall be removed from membership and shall be notified of the removal by certified mail. Intent to resign must be signified before April 30th or the member is liable for payment of annual dues. Newly-elected Provisional members shall be liable for payment of dues immediately upon acceptance of invitation to membership, and shall be dropped from membership if not paid by May 31st. Association of Junior Leagues, Incorporated, members elected to membership in the Sumter League prior to January 31st shall be liable for dues for that fiscal year.


                C. Refunds

                                                Refunds of dues will not be made to members resigning during the fiscal year, to members who have been removed from membership, or to Provisional members failing to meet the requirements of Provisional membership.


                Section 2. FEES

                                                Provisional members shall be required to pay an initiation fee by May 31st of their Provisional year. The amount will be determined by the Board of Directors. This fee will not be refunded if the Provisional member fails to pass the Provisional course.


                Section 3. ASSESSMENTS

                                                The League, by a 2/3 majority vote of those present and voting, may levy on its members an assessment in any amount and provide penalty for non-payment thereof.


                Section 4. FINES

                                                A fine shall be imposed for failure to pay League dues no later than April 1st. The amount of the fine shall be determined by the Executive Board.


                                                A fine shall be levied for failure to perform assigned jobs on any League project. The amount of the fine shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.

                                                A fine shall be imposed for failure to comply with hospital gift shop regulation. Amounts of fines shall be determined by the Gift Shop Committee with the approval of the Board of Directors.


                                                A fine or extra duty shall be imposed for failure to comply with attendance guidelines (Ref. Article VIII Section 3). The fine or duty shall be determined by a majority vote of the Board of Directors.




                Section 1. PERSONNEL

                                                The officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer, and Assistant Treasurer.


                Section 2. QUALIFICATIONS

                                                The following officers shall have minimum qualifications as indicated:


                                                Vice President (President-elect) - A minimum of five (5) years active service. The candidate shall have served one year on the Board of Directors and one year on Placement Council, or two (2) years on the Board of Directors. These years of service shall be served during separate fiscal years.


                                                Assistant Secretary-A minimum of four (4) years active service.


                                                Assistant Treasurer - A minimum of four (4) years active service.


                                                The minimum years of active service required to hold an office will include The League year of the election.


                                                A candidate for the office of Vice President, Assistant Secretary, and Assistant Treasurer shall serve as an active member during The League year of the election.


                Section 3. ELECTION

                                                Officers shall be elected at the February meeting by a general election. A slate of qualified candidates, listed by each office shall be posted at the January meeting. League members may remove their names from the qualified slate at the January meeting. The corrected list will be mailed to all voting members at least two (2) weeks prior to the February meeting.


                                                The candidates receiving the highest vote for each office shall be elected to the office. New officers shall assume their duties immediately after the May meeting and shall serve for a term of one year.


                                                In the case of a tie vote, a new election will be held between those candidates at the March meeting. This election will be announced in the March Lantern. Votes will be counted during the meeting and the results announced at the March meeting.


                                                All votes will be tallied by the Executive Board. Any Executive Board member whose name is in consideration for election shall not participate in the counting of the votes.


                Section 4. DUTIES

                                                The powers and duties of the officers shall be as follows:


                                A. President

                                                The President shall be the executive officer of The League; shall preside at meetings of The League, Board of Directors, and Executive Board; and shall be a member ex-officio of all standing and special committees and councils except the Admissions Committee. The President shall, with the approval of the Board, create committees not otherwise provided for and shall assign their duties. The President shall sign with the Treasurer all contracts and obligations authorized by the Board.


                                B. Vice-President (President-Elect)

                                                The Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in her absence. She shall assist the President and represent her when so instructed. She shall serve as Parliamentarian of The League and Chairman of the By-Laws Committee. She shall serve as a member of the Finance, Welfare and Emergency Aid and Community Research committees; and on the Placement Council. She shall succeed to the office of President.


                                C. Secretary

                                                The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of The League, the Board of Directors, and the Executive Committee. She shall keep a correct list of the names, addresses, and classes of membership and shall maintain a file of essential records, which shall be transferred to her successor at the close of her term of office.


                                D. Assistant Secretary (Secretary-Elect)

                                                The Assistant Secretary shall aid the Secretary with her duties and shall succeed to that office. She shall send notices of meetings of the Board of Directors and shall conduct the general correspondence of The League.


                                E. Treasurer

                                                The Treasurer shall be the custodian of the funds of The League, collect all dues and assessments, and receive all monies. She shall disburse the money for The League in accordance with the budget or upon order of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall keep full and accurate accounts and present statements at the regular meetings of the Board and The League membership. She shall sign all contracts and obligations of The League with the President. She shall turn over to her successor all books and financial records, and shall serve as chairman of the Finance Committee.


                                F. Assistant Treasurer (Treasurer-Elect)

                                                The Assistant Treasurer shall aid the Treasurer with her duties and shall succeed to that office. She shall serve on the Finance Committee and as chairman of the Welfare and Emergency Aid Committee.


    Section 5. VACANCIES

                                                A vacancy in the office of President, Secretary, or Treasurer shall automatically be filled by the officer-elect. Regular election procedures shall be used to fill a vacancy in the office of Vice- President, Assistant Secretary or Assistant Treasurer. Persons filling any of these vacancies shall serve the unexpired term and shall succeed to the higher office the following year.




    Section 1.COMPOSITION

                                                The Board of Directors shall consist of the officers, standing committee chairmen, Placement Council chairman, and a Sustaining member. The sustaining member shall be appointed by the Vice-President prior to the May meeting.


    Section 2. DUTIES

                                                The Board of Directors shall have general charge and control of the affairs, funds, and property of The League. The Board shall present to the membership all proposed major activities for ratification. The Board of Directors shall have the authority to enforce the Regulations and Guidelines pertaining to Placements and Committees as established by the Sumter Junior Welfare League.


    Section 3. VACANCIES

                                                Vacancies among officers shall be filled in accordance with Article V, Section 5, of these By-Laws. Other Board vacancies shall be filled by the President and the Placement Council Chairman with the approval of the Executive Board. Persons so appointed shall serve the unexpired terms.


    Section 4. REMOVAL

                                                The Board of Directors, by a 2/3 majority, may remove any member therefrom. A vote shall be taken on any member exceeding two absences from regular Board meetings.


    Section 5. MEETINGS

                                                The Board of Directors shall hold regular monthly meetings from September through May. Exceptions may be made by a 2/3 majority vote of the Board of Directors.


    Section 6. EXECUTIVE BOARD

                                                There shall be an Executive Board composed of the President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer, which shall be empowered to act in emergencies between the monthly meetings of the Board of Directors. The minutes of the Executive Board shall be submitted for ratification at the next meeting of the Board of Directors.


  Section 7. QUORUM

                                                A majority of the members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum.



                                                The interpretation by the Board of Directors regarding By-Laws shall be final.







                                                The Chairman shall preside over all meetings. The co-chairman shall be appointed by the newly elected Vice-President with the approval of the President and current Vice-President. The co-chairmen shall become chairmen the following League year.



                                                Standing Committees represent activities which are permanent in the program of The League.


                                A. Administrative Committees

                                                (1) Admissions Committee

                                                There shall be an Admissions Committee whose function shall be to consider all candidates proposed for membership in The League, investigate their qualifications, and elect new members.


                                                a. Composition and Term

                                                    Admissions Committee shall be composed of a chairman and a co-chairman (non-voting), the Provisional co-chairman (non-voting unless elected to committee by membership), ten voting members (8 active members elected to 2 Years terms and 2 Sustaining members selected by the Executive Board for a 2 Years term) and 3 alternate members (2 active members elected to a 1 year term and 1 Sustaining member selected by the Executive Board to a 1 year term). With the exception of the chair and co-chair, no member shall serve more than two consecutive years on the Admissions Committee. A member may be elected for two additional years only after taking a two year break between terms.


                                                b. Eligibility and Selection

                                                    Eligibility to the Admissions Committee shall be limited to those who have been Regular Active members for at least (2) two years and to Sustaining members. Anyone serving on the Admissions committee who has a daughter, daughter-in-law, sister, or sister-in-law proposed for membership shall remove herself from this committee and an alternate shall complete the term.


                                                    New members of the Admissions Committee shall be elected to serve as voting members or alternates by The League membership at the February meeting from a qualified slate. This slate will be posted at the January meeting. League members may remove their names from the slate at the January meeting. The corrected list will be mailed to all voting members at least two (2) weeks prior to the February meeting.


                                                    Each year the following will be elected: Four voting Regular Active members, and two non-voting Regular Active Alternates (first two runners-up). A record of vote tabulation shall be kept by the Secretary of The League and alternates designated to serve as voting members when needed.


                                                    The Executive Board shall select the Sustaining members to serve on the Admissions Committee.


                                                    The Executive Board shall tally all votes. Any Executive Board member whose name is in consideration for election shall not participate in the counting of votes.


                                                c. Chairman and Co-Chairman

                                                    The Chairman shall send written notification of committee responsibilities to each member of the Admissions Committee. The Co-chairman shall serve as secretary of the committee. At the final meeting of this committee, the Chairman, with the assistance of the Co-chairman, will tally the votes and the Chairman shall record the names of each candidate proposed and the names of candidates issued invitations of membership.


                                                d. Meetings and Policies

                                                    Members and alternates shall take an oath of secrecy, and all voting by the committee shall be by secret ballot. A committee member will be expected to attend all meetings. If she fails to honor her oath of secrecy or otherwise fails to perform committee duties, she may be removed by a 2/3 majority vote of the entire committee, and an alternate will complete the term.


                                                    Application for membership shall be returned to the sponsor if the proposed member moves away from Sumter County or fails to meet requirements of eligibility.


                                                    The Board of Directors may, on a yearly basis, determine the maximum number of Provisional members to be elected by this committee.


                                (2) By-Laws Committee

                                                   The Vice President will be responsible for reviewing all By-Laws and recommending amendments to the Board and the general membership. Any league member may submit a suggestion for change in writing to the Vice President.


                                (3) Finance Committee

                                                   There shall be a Finance Committee whose function shall be to advise the Board on all matters relating to financing The League’s administrative and community programs. Among its duties shall be the initial preparation of the annual budget for presentation to the Board and the  membership. The committee shall be composed of the Treasurer, who shall be Chairman, the Assistant Treasurer, the President, the Vice President, the Chairman and Co-chairman of the Gift Shop Committee, the Gift Shop Bookkeeper, the Placement Council Chairman, and the Placement Council Co-chairman.


                                (4) Hospitality Committee

                                                   There shall be a Hospitality Committee whose function shall be to make necessary arrangements for meetings and to be in charge of all social functions for The League. This committee shall include a chairman and a co-chairman.


                                (5) LANTERN Committee

                                                   There shall be a LANTERN Committee whose function shall be to edit and publish THE LANTERN, the monthly newsletter of The League. This committee shall include a chairman who shall serve as editor, and a co-chairman who shall serve as assistant editor.


                                (6) Provisional Committee

                                                   There shall be a Provisional committee whose function shall be to plan and direct the education and training of Provisional members until they are admitted to Active membership. This committee shall be composed of a chairman and a co-chairman.


        (7) Computer Committee

                                                   There shall be a Computer Committee whose function shall be to maintain and update the computer records of The League. This committee shall provide the labels for THE LANTERN and also shall be accessible to lend computer assistance to any committee or placement chairman as needed. This committee shall be composed of a chairman.


                B. Community Service Committees


                                (1) Community Research and Education Committee

                                                 There shall be a Community Research and Education Committee whose function shall be to manage all grant applications and recommend distribution of available funds, research grant opportunities and research placement opportunities. This committee shall provide opportunities through education for members to develop their potential as individuals and community leaders. This Committee shall include the Community Research Chairman, the Assistant Treasurer, the Placement Council Co-Chairman and the Community Research Chairman-Elect.

                                (2) Welfare and Emergency Aid Committee

                                     There shall be a Welfare and Emergency Aid Committee whose function shall be to coordinate League welfare activities and to examine, grant or deny requests for emergency aid. This committee shall include the Assistant Treasurer, who shall serve as chairman, and the Vice-President.


                C. Gift Shop Committee

                 The Gift Shop is the primary source of income for The League’s community projects and charitable contributions. There will be a Gift Shop Committee whose function shall be to manage the gift shop as a small business. The committee will consist of those members necessary to successfully operate a high-quality, successful gift shop that will produce income sufficient to support League projects and charitable contributions. At a minimum, the committee shall consist of a chair, co-chair, business manager, co-business manager, a bookkeeper, schedule coordinator and buyer. The League Board of Directors will assist the Gift Shop Chair in upholding the rules and regulations set forth in the Hospital Gift Shop Regulations.



                                Special committees shall be appointed by the President with the approval of the Board of Directors, which shall designate their powers and the term of each committee’s appointment.



                                There shall be a Placement Council whose function shall be to plan and supervise the volunteer program of The League. The Placement Council chairman shall keep records of participation of all Active members in League and community activities. This council shall be composed of a chairman, a co-chairman, the President, the Vice-President, the Community Research Committee chairman, the Gift Shop co-chairman and the chairmen of all placements in which The League is actively involved.






                                Regular meetings shall be held monthly from September through May. Special meetings of The League may be called by the President or the Board of Directors and must be held on the written request of ten (10) Active members of The League.

   Section 2. NOTICE

                                Written notice of special meetings shall be mailed no later than three (3) days prior to said meeting.

   Section 3. ATTENDANCE

                                Regular Active and Regular Provisional members shall be expected to attend all regular meetings of The League; however, two (2) absences are allowed per year. An active member granted Special Status shall attend a minimum of three (3) regular meetings which must include the February election meeting and the April placement sign-up meeting. Provisional members are required to attend all Provisional meetings, however two (2) absences are allowed per year. Attendance guidelines are to be adhered to.


   Section 4. QUORUM

                                A quorum, unless otherwise stated in the By-Laws, shall consist of one-third (1/3) of the voting members.





                                The administrative year shall be from June 1st through May 31st.




   Section 1. FISCAL YEAR

                                The fiscal year shall be from June 1st through May 31st.


  Section 2. ACCOUNTS and Books

                                The books and accounts of The League shall be compiled annually by a certified public accountant. Books shall be kept in accordance with sound accounting practices. The Community Trust Fund shall be maintained separate and distinct from the Administrative Fund.


   Section 3. ANNUAL BUDGET

                                                There shall be an annual budget prepared by the Finance Committee which shall be distributed to the membership prior to the April League meeting and presented at the April League meeting for approval by a majority of those members present and voting.


   Section 4. BONDING

                                                The Treasurer, business manager, and Gift Shop bookkeeper shall be bonded in the amount determined by the Board of Directors.


   Section 5. FUNDS

                                                The Board of Directors may appropriate any money not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100.00) without the approval of the membership. Except for gift shop funds, no obligation shall be incurred and no money appropriated without the consent of the Board of Directors.



                                                The League shall use Community Trust Funds for community projects, worthy causes, community needs, and other activities of benefit to the social, economic, educational, cultural or civic conditions of the community which the organization (a) undertakes as a group to provide financial support, manpower, or both or (b) through which it trains members for future community service. The League does not make special or one-time financial contributions to individuals, other organizations, or agencies unless the Board of Directors recommends the contribution and said recommendation is approved by 2/3 of the members present and voting at the meeting when the contribution is proposed.


                                                Proposed grants being considered by the community research and education committee should benefit an organization, not individuals, in Sumter County.


                                                Further, grantees should not receive other funding from The League. This would include grantees that are already “line items” in the existing budget. However, the Community Research Committee may, at its discretion, make exceptions on a case by case basis.


                                                The League does not act as a direct fund-raiser or fund-raising agent for other organizations. When The League is the co-sponsor of an event or a special community need exists, the Board of Directors may recommend to the membership a temporary waiver of this policy. Waiver shall not occur unless 2/3 of the members present and voting at the meeting where waiver is proposed vote in favor of participation.


                                                In the event of the dissolution of the Junior Welfare League of Sumter, its assets will be distributed as the Board of Directors shall determine to such charitable and educational organizations in the community which are tax exempt for federal income tax purposes.




   Section 1. AMENDMENTS

                                                The By-Laws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present and voting at any meeting of The League, provided that the proposed amendment has been distributed to each voting member at least two weeks prior to the date of the meeting.



                                                Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters or procedure not specifically covered by the By-Laws or by specific rules of procedure adopted by The League.


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